

L+B At the Beach

L+B At the Beach
Simplicity and Happiness! Exactly where I would LOVE to be with HIM all the time!


Friday, July 29, 2011


I recently went into the plan was to get everything ready so I can still enjoy my weekends! I have a mom from last year that wants to paint my entry way to the classroom and cant wait to share...however, I cant find my cord to my camera so you will have to hang in suspense :) Check back soon for pictures of my entire classroom!! :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer Fun Day 3&4

Day 3
We explored Dinosaurs today! We made dino hats and feet, made the good ol' volcano with baking soda and vinegar, excavated bones (chocolate chips) from earth (cookie), matched fossils with things we found inside the eggs, cooled off in the sprinklers and played with water balloons at the park!

 Day 4
Jungle Safari
I didn't take as many pictures today probably because we were going non was one thing to another ;) We made our safari hats and binoculars, had a potato sack race, had a jungle animal hunt at the park, played with the parachute, graphed jungle fruit snacks, made jungle juice and of course cooled off in the mini pool!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Fun Day 2

 Headed out on a treasure hunt for our snack...

 Pirate Booty and Ring Pops!!

 It was hot so we made the mini pool work, haha!
We also worked on Pirate Puppy Place Value, read Shiver Me Letters and went on an ABC hunt, made treasure maps, added up coins (penny, nickel, dimes, quarters) that we pulled from the treasure chest, and used the ar word family to make pirate sounding words: caaaarrrrr, faaaarrrr, taaarrrr. It was another successful day and I am looking forward to tomorrow!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Fun Program Day 1

I had my first day of the Summer Fum Program I put together for some of my students and wanted to give a little sneak peek of our day! We had a great time and I have to admit that it was so great to get back into the groove of things! Today we talked a little about the ocean ...
We made some goggles

 Did a little graphing...

 Yummy ocean snack time...

 Dancing Fish: Science Experiment was Awesome! :)
Raisins + Sprite=Dancing Fish (raisins went up and down)!

 The ducks helped us do some math problems (below) and surprised us with words which we turned into sentences (not seen below, we did it was very warm outside)!!!!

 Finishing up the day with a puzzle...
 and Ocean style shaving cream!
The biggest hit...
Hiding some seashells labeled with their initial that they had to find (I don't want to share my secrets but I sometimes surprise myself, haha!),  It was a Fantastic day and  we (I) cant wait for tomorrow! We will be discussing Pirates and I told them they could dress accordingly if the wanted to! These kids are amazing and I am so happy to be working with  them again...I sure do LOVE what I do!! :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Fun In San Diego!

Last year I had my bachelorette party in San Diego!
It was an amazing trip which can be recapped for you here
and we planned to do another adventure this year. However, two parts of the crew were unable to come :(
This trip was much more relaxed and basically we beached it all day and then went out in the evening!!
Day 1
Here we come San Diegoooo!!
 PB Shore Club!
 :) we are again at the Shore Club with Miss Kristin!

 We ended up going to dinner and then went and laid out on the beach and chit chatted, we only wished we had a little beach fire!

Day 2
Our little beach set up!

 We cleaned up a bit and ready to get dinner...
We found this neat bar...Hehe! :)
I bought Brian this Super Cool hat ;)

Day 3
We had a great breakfast and took an awesome walk around the bay! We ended up here and enjoyed more sunshine! :) 
We didn't take out the camera much this night, this is all we got. But we sure did count down the minutes to my birthday and did some celebrating!!

Thanks for all the fun was another fabulous trip!
So the new plan is to do the next one in six months not twelve! You in?!?!